Category Archives: Inglés 2do Ciclo

TELLING THE TIME (interactive activities) 4th level

Click on the clocks and listen then choose true or false.

Marca sobre os reloxos escoita e elixe verdadeiro ou falso.

TELLING THE TIME (interactive activities) 4th level

This is an interactive activity. Write the correct letter for each clock,in the second part write the time. Click on » terminado» and you can check your answers.

Esta é unha actividade interactiva. Escribe a letra correcta para cada reloxo, na segunda parte escribe a hora. Marca terminado e podes comprobar as respostas

3rd Grade (3º)

Ask and answer about you.

Completa as preguntas usando os verbos no recadro e contesta sobre ti. (fichas recollidas en ISL

Game Wordshake 3rd/4th level

Find as many English words as you can and write them.

Encontra tantas palabras como podas en inglés e escríbeas. Hai 32 wordshakes distintos.

Present simple (4th level)

Complete sentences using the present simple.

Completa as frases usando o presente simple. (Fichas recollidas ISL

Example AB page 37 and jobs (4th level)

AB 37/jobs


Exemplo da actividade do AB páxina 37

ACTIVITY BOOK PAGE 37 (4th level)

Scattergories 3rd level

Game. Choose a letter in the alphabet and complete categories.

Xogo. Elixe unha letra do abecedario e completa as categorias.

reading comprehension and grammar 4th level

worksheets 3rd level

worksheets 3º